Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Qistina, IAG 2005 (Malaysia)

dearest adam,

HI!!!! my name is qistina and if my memory serves me right my last email to you was in august 2005, after my IAG camp that was held in Malaysia.i was 16 at that time and i moved forward with all the advices and encouragement i had received in camp. my classmate and i who was coaching during my stint in camp even used the tagline " if i can't, i must" as our class motto throughout our remaining highschool days. with all the lessons ive learnt, finally i have recieved an offer from my choice university to do law matriculation. it would have been a near impossible dream had i not experienced your amazing camp. the encouragement i received back then is still blazing in my mind. thank you very very very much!!!!!!!!

lots of love,